If you pride yourself to be a travel or outdoor junkie, having the best gear should be in your best interest. If you are currently in the market for an outdoor backpack, you can consider taking a look at the North Face Terra 50.
Outdoor activities like hiking, camping, and backpacking require a reliable backpack to safeguard your stuff. A good backpack can make a huge difference, so much that it can make or break your trip.
The North Face is a name synonymous with quality outdoor clothing and gear. With that said, is the North Face Terra 50 a worthy addition to your outdoor equipment collection? We’re here to help you answer that question with our review below.
Reviewing the North Face Terra 50 Backpack
Today, we’re reviewing the Terra 50 backpack, which was actually redesigned by The North Face to a slimmer and less bulky profile.
It’s a 50L backpack and can support up to 45 pounds of weight. It’s specifically designed for multi-day backpacking and features a top-loading style.
Before we dive into the specifications and feature descriptions, we will provide a brief review. The North Face Terra 50 certainly has an appealing price tag and some solid features. However, for just a little bit more of a cost, you could also get ten additional liters of space and one pound lighter bag in the Osprey Renn. Nevertheless, this contender is likewise adaptable and will perform well at the end of the week hiking trips, as a movement pack, or as a medium-term sack.
The Terra gives simply enough highlights to help keep your rigging sorted out, without being excessively convoluted. Likewise, it’s produced using incredibly sturdy material, making it an economical alternative as well as a dependable decision also. While it isn’t as smooth as the Arc’teryx Bora AR 61 or as progressive as the Osprey Renn 65, the Terra meets every one of the criteria for an extraordinary generally speaking rucksack at a sensible cost.
Who would the North Face Terra 50 be a good fit for? This model is perfect for individuals who are new to hiking or experienced climbers searching for a straightforward, simple pack. It isn’t the lightest, the quickest, or the shiniest, yet it offers straightforwardness, adaptability, and some valuable highlights.
The North Face Terra 50 backpack. Image via Amazon
Below are the general specifications of this 50-liter backpack:
- Weight: 2.50 to 3.49 pounds
- Pack Capacity: 50-64 Liters
- Style: Top Loading
- Pack Materials: 600D Polyester, 420D Mini-Ripstop Nylon, 1200D Polyester
- Torso Length: 16-21 inches
- No. of Pockets: 7+
- Frame Type: Internal
Is the North Face Terra 50 lightweight?
Just because you need a multi-day backpack, it doesn’t mean that you should settle with a bulky and heavy backpack. It’s a good thing that the Terra 50 is a slimmer and more lightweight backpack when compared to the earlier Terra models.
The slimmed down profile really helps in reducing the overall pack weight and allowing you to pack the load better. Just make sure that you know how to pack a bag for backpacking. You can also attribute the lighter profile to materials and overall design.
Comparable in structure to the Thule Versant 60, the North Face Terra 50 has thin shoulder lashes and abundant cushioning on the backboard. These highlights make it particularly agreeable for those new to exploring. In spite of the fact that it isn’t as actually progressed as the Osprey Aura AG 65, with its stretch work backboard, it remains agreeable throughout the day. The contrast between an Anti-Gravity suspension and the Terra’s is the breathability. The Aura is the most ventilated pack we tried, in which no other contender can think about. The majority of different packs have comparable plans to the Terra, complete with froth cushioning, channels for breathability, and a body molding shape. We sweat a lot with this pack when contrasted with others in the lineup. Each is somewhat extraordinary, and all are comparable in solace.
Framework Conforms to Your Back
Finally, we have found a pack that conforms to your back. The North Face Terra 50 does this well. The shoulder lashes are all around cushioned and are formed to oppose scraping in the underarms or internal shoulders. A rectangular structure on the hip belt doesn’t bend over the hip bones as different packs do, yet this plan distinction doesn’t loan to any uneasiness. Tweaked fitting alternatives further examined under Adjustability offer customized comfort in middle length and backing with light to mid-weight pack loads.
The OptiFit suspension framework is intended to boost solace and backing with a flexible middle length. Before jumping on the trail, you can vertically change the middle length to suit your estimating just as the pack load.
This framework enables you to keep the pack close against your back for security and backing. The Deuter ACT Lite is like the Terra when it comes to suspension; these are packs that have should lie straightforwardly on your back without space. The Terra has some ventilation on the backboard that enables you to upgrade the suspension without trading off the wind stream, in spite of the fact that we experienced a lot of perspiring, even on a cool day utilizing this pack. With light to mid burdens, the pack keeps up dependability when fitted effectively and balanced near your body.
At just shy of 4.3 pounds for a size medium, the Terra is heavier in weight thinking about that you just have 55 liters of volume. The lightest pack in our survey is 1.86 pounds, and the heaviest is more than five pounds. Weight is an individual decision, be that as it may. There are lighter packs at this cost point, for example, the Renn or REI Co-Op Flash if weight is a worry to you. It is ideal to put together the weight with respect to how it feels versus its scale weight.
With material innovation progressing at a fast pace, we felt that the Terra could have improved in the weight classification. Packs are being created to be lighter, yet still strong and tough. This pack came up short and is without a doubt slacking. The Terra felt like an oldie but a goodie contrasted with the lineup this year.
How the North Face Terra 50 Compares to Other Top Backpacking Bags on the Market
Numerous new packs mean to join the most recent innovation in a lightweight, smooth outside, more pockets, and all the more features. Unfortunately, this entangles how easy to use the pack is. The Terra has a couple of extra pockets, however, it isn’t excessively confused with laces and highlights. Be that as it may, a portion of the highlights wasn’t excessively valuable, or they could have utilized better materials. The hatchet convey is cumbersome and superfluous and would act as a burden for general consumers. The camping cot compartment is little and ill-suited for an amateur who may have progressively lumbering rigging.
Like a couple of packs in this survey, it has numerous passageways to the principal body. This component is something we loved most about the Terra, alongside the Thule Versant 60 and the REI Co-operation Traverse 65. Be that as it may, the pressure ties act as a burden, so on the off chance that you have to swing your pack around and snatch something from the fundamental body rapidly, you need to expel things that are appended to the outside of the sack.
Like the Traverse, the Terra additionally has little vertical pockets outwardly, making it simple to store little things like a downpour layer. The two zippered front pockets don’t offer enough profundity to be helpful. Additionally, they have all the earmarks of being two zippers to a similar space yet are isolated, making you recall what you put where which can be troublesome when guiding a companion to snatch your downpour layer from your pocket.
All things considered, the Terra is a sensibly basic pack with an essential list of capabilities; some are helpful, others aren’t. Water bottle holders on each side, a hydration sleeve, cover, and a couple of little outside pockets make this pack agreeable to sort out however not over the top in regards to highlights.
Just somewhat more convoluted than the Arc’teryx Bora AR 61, the Terra has a comparable, smooth plan. One last drawback to the Terra is its capacity to convey a bear can. The pack body is a smidgen too thin to even consider fitting a bear can well, except if it is put inside vertically, which occupies heaps of additional room and leaves space for little else.
The OptiFit framework takes seconds to move around. The pack itself is smooth and can without much of a stretch be tightened down in a rush in the event that you end up progressing with awful climate. One drawback to the Terra is that the cover is sewn to the principal body of the pack, making it less adaptable generally speaking. We loved models like the Thule Versant, which enabled the top to be expelled and even utilized individually.
What about comfort?
Comfort is one of the first factors that I think about when buying. This is especially true when getting a backpack that I’ll be wearing for a multi-day excursion. And the Terra 50 delivers in this department, thanks to several of its comfort features.
The first thing that comes to mind is the Innovative OPTIFIT suspension system. I believe that a good fit is key for unrivaled comfort. With the OPTIFIT system, it’s easy to adjust the pack for a precise torso length fit. This helps in loosening up the load on my shoulders while maintaining the balance around the hip. They’ve also lined the hipbelt with air mesh for added comfort.
Image via Amazon
The anatomical shoulder harness has sufficient padding, which makes carrying the pack a lot more comfortable, even with heavier loads. As far as hiking backpack sizes go, it’s just the right size for me.
Are the materials durable?
My first impression of the materials of the Terra 50 backpack is that they are quite durable. The overall construction just seems to be of high quality.
The fabrics of the Terra 50 are made from 600D polyester, 1200D polyester, and 420D mini-ripstop nylon. At first, I was not too sure if the polyester materials would hold up. However, after a couple of trips, I’m happy to report that the bag can take a beating without any signs of wear and tear.
The polyester material can be a concern, but The North Face did a good job with the backpack’s toughness while keeping it lightweight.
Other Features Worth Mentioning
At the top of my mind, I really enjoyed the inclusion of a sleeping bag compartment. I generally carry a sack to pack my sleeping bag. But with the Terra 50, I can just pack the bag inside the zippered compartment. It’s not really a must-have feature, but the compartment is definitely nice to have.
Not only are there over seven pockets, which is more than enough to meet my storage needs, they are also smartly placed. Two of them are hip belt pockets, which are very easy to access. If you bring a lot of tools and accessories, you’ll also appreciate the extra lash points.
Like most good hiking backpacks, the North Face Terra 50 has a hydration pocket that comes in handy if you plan on bringing a canteen or bladder.
Any Drawbacks
I’ll just come out and say that I really enjoy the Terra 50. However, it’s far from a perfect hiking backpack.
One notable flaw that I’ve noticed is the narrow opening of the bag. If you are trying to access the things deep down the pack, you will end up removing everything from the top.
Also, the front pockets can’t be extended, which means that they are just taking more space in the main compartment than they have to.
This 50L hiking backpack may be tough, but it’s not waterproof. This is not necessarily a big deal, but it doesn’t come with a rain cover. I ended up purchasing a separate cover.
The North Face Terra 50 Against the Competition
The North Face is a well-known brand that seems to be leading the pack when it comes to outdoor gear. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have some fierce competitors in the market.
While other brands may prove to have special features, others compete by providing a similar bag at a lower price point. So, let’s take a look at how the North Face 50 measure up against other backpacks.
Osprey Packs Rook 50
Osprey Backpacks like to give The North Face a good run when it comes to competing for the same customers. In this case, Osprey accomplishes this by providing a similarly sized backpack at a slightly lower cost.
The Rook features a ventilated back panel with torso adjustments. Access is through the top of the bag, and an exterior compression strap holds sleeping pads and bags. It also boasts many exterior zippered pockets and a rain cover for extra protection.
And while this backpack only has a handful of Amazon buyer reviews, those reviews average 4.7 out of 5 stars. Many have been left by
- Weight: 3.5 pounds
- Pack Capacity: 50 Liters
- Style: Top Loading
- Pack Materials: 600D polyester, with 1000D nylon packcloth
- Torso Length: 17-22 inches
- Frame Type: Internal
High Sierra Pathway 50L
High Sierra banks on their budget-priced gear to entice buyers. At nearly half the price of the North Face backpacks, there’s no denying that it’s tempting. However, the Pathway is much bulkier than the Terra 50.
The Pathway boasts a padded back panel and straps for extra comfort, so that bulkiness could be worth the trouble. Especially considering it weighs only a few ounces more than the Terra 50. Amazon buyers have given this discount backpack a respectable 4.6 out of 5 stars.
- Weight: 2.9 pounds
- Pack Capacity: 50 Liters
- Style: Top Loading
- Pack Materials:600D Polyester Dobby
- Torso Length: 18-20 inches
- Frame Type: Internal
Kelty Redwing Reserve Hiking Backpack
Kelty boasts that the Redwing Reserve is their high-end 50L backpack with special features. The stylish design will surely turn heads, but hopefully, it features more than just a unique look. Overall, it’s a heavier pack, but seems to have a wider range for adjusting to fit users of varying heights.
Along with a color scheme that looks equally good in the city as on the trail, it features some unique upgrades. These include an RFID-blocking pocket, dual-use hydration, and laptop sleeve, and on-body adjustment. Amazon buyers have awarded it with an average of 4.6 out of 5 stars.
- Weight: 3.11 pounds
- Pack Capacity: 51 Liters
- Style: Top Loading
- Pack Materials:420D Poly Small Back Stafford
- Torso Length: 15.5-21 inches
- Frame Type: Internal
Overall Worth of the North Face Terra 50
The North Face Terra 50 is a strong pack at an exceptionally appealing cost. The pack offers the majority of the essential plan highlights for an agreeable and bolstered excursion without charging additional for highlights that you may not discover valuable. For a pack that is strong and simple to utilize, you will get your dollars worth. For the price, a novice hiker will value the straightforwardness and the more experienced explorer will welcome the durability and absence of unnecessary embellishment.
Pros and Cons of the North Face Terra 50 Multi-Day Backpack
In this section, we have outlined the most-cited pros and cons of the North Face Terra 50 Multi-Day backpack.
- Women-focused harness fit
- The bag fits a wide variety of body types
- Improved ventilation from the previous model
- Anatomical and sleek design
- Load-spreading hip belt (distributes weight well)
- Includes a zippered sleeping bag compartment with quick access
- Easily portable
- Not water resistant and should come with a rain cover
- Needs more internal pockets for storage
Is The North Face Terra 50 Good Value for the Money?
For approximately $150 to $190, you get a great backpack that offers good comfort and a considerable number of useful features. Its generous capacity for the size is certainly a selling point.
There are certainly more expensive backpacks that pale in comparison to the North Face Terra 50. But, if you’re looking for a reliable hiking backpack that won’t break the bank, check this one out.
On the other hand, if you need to reign in your costs, you may want to choose a less expensive backpack. The North Face enjoys a stellar reputation for quality. But that doesn’t mean the High Sierra or Osprey brands won’t provide a good backpack for your needs.
Featured Image via Amazon